in Ideas Worth Sharing, Technology

LivePlasma – matching music, videos, articles and more

I wrote about identifying music and faces earlier. Glancer is a sort of people discovery engine, so here’s one more related application.

LivePlasma is a Rich Internet Application that helps you discover music and movies. You can search via a keyword and review the results. The results are linked to other relevant results. So you can navigate between similar results easily.

It’s quite similar to how we plot people in Glancer, they have nice animations! I got a little bored after exploring it for a while because there was nothing further that I could do. Actually there are a lot of options tucked away in the left panel. But I think some more options on the result item itself, would have been great.

It’s a nice implementation though!

What’s nicer, is how CNet integrated this technology in With each news story, you get a LivePlasma applet on the right that shows you articles related to this one. You can then dig deeper into the story. This is very intuitive and more enjoyable than searching for links in the article itself. They call it the Big Story and I recommend you pay a visit to to find out how it works!

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  1. Interesting app thanks for sharing.

    Supports internatialization (i18n), which is good for Flash app, rarely seen.
    You cannot copy-paste text from text fields in this app, that is bad.

    Kinda slow on mine flash 7 player and 3Hz Pentium4 machine.