in Technology

Riya: Identifying faces and more

I wrote about Pandora music discover yesterday. Today I am talking about photo discovery with Riya.

Riya - Photo discovery Riya allows you to search photos and tag them. You can search public photos too and request the owners to allow you to see them. So how is this different from Flickr or even other image searches?

Riya automatically discovers people after you have tagged them once. Or if they are on your contact list. It even recognized text in the images. So you can search images, and it can find people and places based on this discovery engine. It’s a mix of face and text recognition technologies with a great delivery mechanism. Both the backend and frontend of the system are superb.

It is still in Alpha stage, still in invite only mode. But go ahead and checkout the Tour.

Riya is a very hot!

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  • Entrepreneur Geek » Blog Archive » LivePlasma - matching music, videos, articles and more

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