in Technology

WSDL Blues

Most of the day went into debugging WSDL problems for Glancer. Returning complex data types can get tricky. Especially for me, since I don’t have the time to get into the details of WSDL/SOAP and XML specs right now. I have seen how quickly WSDL can be generated (well, actually automatically) on .Net and ColdFusion. So I think it’s a big bottleneck not to have it for PHP. Let me put it as the biggest problem!

So of course, there should be some solutions! The Zend Studio WSDL generator did not detect data types for me. And I found WSDL_Gen. Got that and figured that it requires PHP 5.1.0 to work! So searched for PHP 5.1.0 on PHP site. But well, it’s still not available to public looks like. Some more Googling got me to, from where I could download the latest PHP.

I am still to try WSDL_Gen, but then I found some more ways to generate WSDL on BrainBell. Will check some of that out.

And I found a good list of Common WSDL Errors. I think anybody jumping on to WSDL should read that.

So let me tell you how does Glancer look like now:

GCR Registration Screen

This is the registration screen, first tab open. Email is checked before form submission. There is a quick finder that tells you the number of people from the same city as you. Delegate registration form is divided into 4 tabs.

And here’s the login screen with Laszlo debugger window too visible:

GCR Login Screen

BTW, to all people reading this, I invite you to try logging in with a wrong email / password when the app goes live. You will be happy to see what happens 😉

Guess I should hit bed now!

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  • Entreprenuer Geek » Blog Archive » Glancer Stutus - alpha on Monday

    […] Glancer is going good. The WSDL Blues are finally over. I was struggling with WSDL file creation earlier. Once that was solved, I had a tough time putting web service security in place. Integration of web service security with Laszlo was another hurdle. But it’s through now! […]