in Journal

Worthy goal for the month

I was reading The Leadership Wisdom by Robin Sharma yesterday. He mentions that everybody is motivated to do something bigger than him/herself. People want to make a difference in others’ lives. They want to see the effects of their work. This goes very well with what I said in the Monday Meeting yesterday – the biggest joy for a programmer is to see people use and benefit from her software.

We do monthly planning meetings in the RIA (Rich Internet Applications) team. We review how the last month was and what are we planning for the coming month. We discuss the difficulties faced and the targets set. Today was one such meeting. Apart from other things, we did this extra ordinary exercise. We decided what are the worthy goals for each person for this month. They ranged from completing a project by a given date to compiling the project maximum 10 times a day. One of my goals is to facilitate the team members so that they achieve their goals! The goal has to be worthy of your time and energy. It must inspire you!

What’s your worthy goal for this month?

PS: Monday Meetings are the weekly meetings that we have with all people in the organization. We talked about the Foss.In/2005 experience and Glancer this time.

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