in Technology

Who’s following you on Twitter – bots?

Is the last person who started following you on Twitter real? Or just a software robot that’s out to eat every good Twitter feed?

My Twitter follower count is growing, but some of them just seem too unbelievable! They don’t have any updates, have nobody (or only a few) people following them, but they are following hundreds of people. How come?


Are they new joinees, trying to see what everyone’s doing? How would you even keep up with updates from a 1000 people?

My theory is that there is a flood coming! Your twitter updates will be soon be decorated with Google Ads around them, naive readers will keep clicking on ads, keeping cash counters running for those bots!

Do you agree?

(PS: If you are human, you can follow me on twitter!)

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  1. Very true. I have several random people following me.

    What do these bots aspire to do ? eSpying ? Sentiment tracking ? Semantic Analysis ? Conversation threading ???