in Ideas Worth Sharing

Taking Responsibility

I was looking for a good podcast / video to use in our monthly review meetings. The topic was taking responsibility! Taking responsibility even for things that normally seem out of your control. Being at the source of your actions, and not being limited by the circumstances.

Taking ResponsibilityOur people do take responsibility for their actions, but we are facing problems in execution, when it comes to coordinating and integrating with a number of teams – and the clients. I had read about the circle of influence and the circle of concern in Stephen Covey’s 8th Habit, and was looking for some media that could make the whole thing interesting!

Found it via some Google & Yahoo! video searches! It’s a video by Young America, describing the story of Hank. How he performs in school, and how his being popular, but undependable, affects his career.

Ran it in the monthly review meetings today. And I think people liked it!

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