in Journal

Shaking off the dust…

I wrote the first post on this blog on August 27, 2005. That’s 4,047 days ago. Or 11 years and 23 days ago.

This is my first WordPress blog, and I blogged regularly for a few years.

Then I went silent.

I focussed on building my businesses, and as I posted blogs on my business sites, this personal site went to the bottom of my attention list.

Alex has an opinion about everything, and in his opinion, I should restart blogging.

So here we go!

Couple of things:

  • My first “proper” post should appear in a day. If you’re an engineer or studied computer software, I’d love to hear your feedback on that.
  • Give me some time to organize old posts. I’m going to archive a lot of things. I haven’t finished reading Marie Kondo‘s awesome book yet, but I sense I’ve got a lot of cleaning up ahead!

And if you are really reading this, oh my… Warm welcome if you are here for the first time. And in case you used to read this many years ago, I’d love to reconnect even while my jaw drops in awe! 🙂

- Nirav Mehta

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