in Journal

Self Expression and Leadership Program

I am participating in the “Self Expression and Leadership Program” (SELP) of Landmark Education these days.

The experience so far is – well, different! In the Landmark Forum and Advanced Course, you learn a lot of things. You complete with people, you create possibilities for yourself. Both the courses are fast and power packed. The leader drives the course.

SELP is different. The course structure is different. There is a community project that each participant does, a group and a coach, and then the course leader. There are weekly classes, and things get very demanding! A lot of people say that SELP is difficult and very confronting.

I agree. And I strongly believe that’s the design of the course. That is what takes us to a higher level. The design of the course creates leaders.

My community project is OpenCerti. It’s a community driven certification for PHP. Most of the discussion and material about the project is on my blog. I invite you to contribute! Everybody can contribute!

More later…

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  1. Was the Landmark Advanced course you took all about createing a ‘game’ where to win you had to get everyone to register for the next course?

    I’m taking an advanced course that’s been ‘redesigned’ and I’m trying to see if this was a part of the previous curriculum.

  2. The Advance course I took did have the game. We created the game of participants registering into SELP. And we did have 100% registrations.

    And as you mentioned, this was just one part of the curriculum for us. Rather a very small part. We had many other things – reality, language, being with people, creating possibilities, self and much more.

    SELP is all about enrollment and registration. As a matter of fact, life is full of enrollment and registration. Registration does not mean registration to Landmark courses.

    How’s your experience of the Advance course? Mine was terrific!

  3. I’ll let you l know when I complete it. At the moement, I’m feeling a little apatthetic about the whole thing because I’ve chosen to play a game that doesn’t really inspire me.

  4. I can understand! How did your Sunday evening go? I believe that should have transformed a few things!

    Tuesday evening is equally powerful. Much more powerful than the Landmark Forum Tuesday evening!

    All the best!

  5. That’s the most unusual SELP project I’ve ever heard of.

    What is the possibility of the project, and how does it express the possibility that you are?

    And is it really a breakthrough for you?

    Because hearing about all the stuff you’ve done in your life, this project sounds like something you could easily have done before you ever heard of Landmark.

  6. 🙂

    The possibility of the project is trust (certification by nature is a trust driven entitiy, it helps establish trust between two parties) freedom (in selecting and developing a certification program, in pursuing higher in career) and contribution (since it’s entirely a community driven project). I am a possibility of trust and freedom.

    The project – initially I thought I could easily pull it off. It was challenging, but not something that looked impossible! At this stage, the project is growing and I can see that it’s creating breakthroughs in life being on the project! I could probably do this project even before Landmark, but I wouldn’t be so successful. I would have probably left it mid-way primarily because I didn’t create enough leaders. This time, I am committed to cause breakthroughs in that area!

  7. Hi!

    I did the SELP prog about 3 years back. I was wondering whether you have any notes about the key concepts in SELP. I don’t have my notes with me and I badly wanted to go over it. From as much I could recall, there are lots of gaps- like what are the 3 vertices of the perf triangle, making an unreasonable request, being in the zone, measuring performance, etc.
    Any help ???


  8. I am someone who has been around the Self Expression and Leadership Program for a long time and I am very interested in getting the word out about great projects. Please check out the website that myself and some other current and fomer SELP Coaches have created.

    It is very inspiring and you can subscribe to it. Please come by and let us know what you think or what news items from India you think we should include.

    While I am at it, I just heard about this. Landmark Education has created an online introduction to The Landmark Forum. I shared it with a friend of mine who has never been available to come to an introduction and they were really impressed. They liked it so much they registered into The Landmark Forum. And what is great is that with this e-mail the link you can easily share the program with anyone.


  9. Hi Nirav,

    Wow. It’s been nearly 3 years since you did the SELP!

    I just finished my 3rd workday and man, it’s been very challenging and equally rewarding. I really got what registrations are today. Really got it. Not the word we use in conventionaly English, but the profound meaning we have for it in SELP (for those reading this who’re not from a Landmark Education background).

    Nice to randomly stumble on your blog. How was your experience with the community project you chose to create?

  10. Hi, anyone.
    I did SELP years ago and loved it!. But lost all my notes. Can anyone send me some of the handouts or notes to refresh my memory?