in Business & Leadership, Ideas Worth Sharing, Journal

Save your workday – leave office feeling satisfied – Top 10 tips

Work has been very hectic these days. Lot of new project discussions going on. My to-do lists are getting longer and I am not satisfied at the end of the day. Most of the things are not completed by the end of the day, and goals just keep on getting dragged. Everyday I come into the office, there is a new task at hand, which takes half my day. Everyday I think I will go out to the tech team and review what they are doing, solve some technical problems (which is something I love). Everyday I wish I complete some personal tasks (I haven’t still selected the wedding photos to print nor have I told about my book to a lot of friends!). But these things just don’t get done!

So what am I doing wrong? Why do all days go busy and only little gets accomplished? Why are there so many “open” items? And really, what can I do about this?

If your experience is anywhere similar, you are in luck. Lifehacker gives out Top 10 Smart and Lazy Ways to Save Your Workday.

The post is excellent, and you must go read it. I am putting the points down here for my reference!

10. Make a lunch or dinner date (to create a deadline).
9. Write down the first thing you have to do tomorrow morning and put it on your keyboard before you leave the office.
8. Don’t check email for the first hour of the day.
7. Decide NOT to do one task on your to-do list and cross it off.
6. Edit that email you’re writing down to less than five sentences.
5. Cut someone off.
4. Book a meeting with yourself.
3. Master the art of the qualified yes.
2. Block out distractions and set a timer.
1. Do a free jot brain dump.

I know of most of these, and have practiced them at some time or the other! But it takes practice, and ongoing reviews!

What’s your experience? Feel free to comment!

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  1. Ok, you asked for this bit. So here it is. My comments:

    10. Make a lunch or dinner date (to create a deadline).
    Wow! I wish I could get an attractive date everyday.

    9. Write down the first thing you have to do tomorrow morning and put it on your keyboard before you leave the office.
    I do this all the time and it really helps. Don’t depend on making the list next morning.

    8. Don’t check email for the first hour of the day.
    I would love to. but my boss kills me if I have not read his mails first thing in the morning. But yes, I avoid checking personal mails for a while after getting into office.

    7. Decide NOT to do one task on your to-do list and cross it off.

    6. Edit that email you’re writing down to less than five sentences.
    Point taken. Will try and practice this more often. My addition: Make sure you have a meaningful SUBJECT to every email you send out.

    5. Cut someone off.
    Of course I do that all the time. I screw them before I cut them.

    4. Book a meeting with yourself.
    Afternoons are a good time for this especially if you have a little quiet corner in the office. Or just plugin your favourite music and keep your personal journal with you.

    3. Master the art of the qualified yes.
    I rather master the art of saying “NO” without any guilt.

    2. Block out distractions and set a timer.
    Difficult if you got 3 bosses checking on you. But should be practiced and shared with them also.

    1. Do a free jot brain dump
    Need to read more about this.