in Business & Leadership, Ideas Worth Sharing

Power to the people

When we design web applications, do we put technology on top or the users? I like to try out the latest technology and would incorporate it in the project! Most of the time, we do not pay attention to how a user will use our application, just how we can put things together on the project. We think about user interface but not the user experience!

D. Keith Robinson has written a nice article about this on A List Apart. It’s a nice read even if you skim through it. He explains with example what good and not-so-good user experiences could be!

He says:

Not understanding the core needs, problems and desires of your customers is a recipe for disaster on the web and no number of “killer features” will get you around that. Focus on the core needs or problems and deal with them first. Don’t be blinded by technology or your own assumptions.

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  1. 🙂

    I still think the choices we made on Glancer are valid! It’s in tune with what we wanted to deliver, and the feedback we have witnessed told us we did it right!