in Business & Leadership

Leadership – begins with self leadership

I took an introductory session on Leadership for the new Magneteers on Friday. The session was superb. I myself was amazed at the results we produced and the impact it made on the team.

I have learnt a lot of leadership from Landmark and Robin Sharma, so I based my session on the learnings from those two sources. We talked about self leadership, the areas in life that the participants were not fully satisfied in, and created action items by the end of the session that led to breakthroughs for them. (I talked to one participant today, and he said he got outstanding results by following the action item.)

Here’s the outline of the session.

  1. What is Leadership?
  2. Leadership != Management!
  3. Leadership is people around you producing expanding results.
  4. Self Leadership
  5. There is nothing nobel in being superior to others. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self.
  6. It is not the mountain that we conquer but ourselves. – Sir Edmund Hillary
  7. Yellow Glasses
  8. All leadership begins within
  9. We see the world not as it is, but as we are
  10. Anything less than a conscious commitment to peak personal performance is unconscious commitment to weak personal performance
  11. Never settle for mediocrity when you can attain mastery
  12. Principles of Self Leadership – Personal Renewal, Abundant Knowledge, Discipline of Physicality, Early Awakening, Death Mentality
  13. What’s opening up for you?
  14. Questions?
  15. I was glad the team shared their lives and participated. I was actually feeling grateful for the honor of witnessing the breakthroughs they will be causing for themselves. Truly blissful!

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