in Journal, Technology

Grab more contacts – ContactGrabber does 10 sites now

Attention: Contact Grabber is not actively maintained anymore. We recommend OpenInviter instead. OpenInviter supports more sites and is in active development.

The latest version of our GPL product ContactGrabber now allows you to fetch contacts from 10 different sites.

  • AOL (new)
  • LinkedIn (new)
  • Lycos (new)
  • IndiaTimes (new)
  • Yahoo
  • Orkut
  • Gmail
  • Rediff
  • Hotmail
  • Myspace

ContactGrabber allows you to retrieve the address book contact information from various sites. If you are developing a site and need your users to import their contacts from other sites, or recommend you to their contacts, this is a great solution!

ContactGrabber is developed in PHP and is released under GPL.

Note: As of now, Gmail has an issue with some email accounts. They are moving accounts from one server to another and that’s what is causing the problem. This should be corrected soon.

Download ContactGrabber from:

The code has been contributed by Magnet’s Mumbai and Ahmedabad teams! Great work guys!

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  1. Hi Raseel,

    We did try to grab facebook address book.

    But unfortunately, they have taken enough steps to ensure people cannot do that. They show the contact’s email address as an image.


  2. what about the yahoo contact bro.. i have tried alot but it shows “No contacts found” although there are contacts in my list…. keep rocking

  3. linkedin and hotmail are not working. i like how facebook lets you import from other sites, doesn’t let you import from them.

  4. Hey Bharadwaj,

    The source is out there.. Could you get in and fix the problems? And let us know, we will gladly credit the fixes to you 🙂


  5. About facebook, did you try to use facebook API which is a REST-like interface using HTTP querys ?
    Is it limited by openbasedir-like issue or something like that ? Are methods limited so we can’t get contact’s email ?

  6. gmail, yahoo only these two are working and the rest are not . can any one please help me with the rest..
    thank u
    in advance