in Journal, Technology

Free Software – Part 2 – When your car breaks down…

When your car breaks down, who do you go to for repairs? Do you go to the company who made the car? Do you go to the authorized mechanics? Can you go to any car mechanic if you wanted to, and get it fixed? Do you have the freedom to open the bonnet yourself and fix it if you knew how to?

When your software breaks down, who do you go to for repairs? Do you go to the company who made the software? Do you go to the authorized partners? Can you go to any software developer if you wanted to, and get it fixed? Do you have the freedom to open the source code and fix it if you knew how to?

Can you change the color and the bumpers of your car the way you like and then sell the car to somebody else? Can he sell it further, making changes that he likes?

Can you change the look and features of your software the way you like and then sell it to somebody else? Can he sell it further, making changes that he likes?

You may never open the bonnet of your car to fix it. You may never take it to the garage near your home. But you have the right to do that.

Free Software is about freedom to run, study, fix and redistribute software.

You get the picture!

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