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Attention to detail

Attention to detail is what distinguishes an average performer from the best. I was sticking up address labels on some postcards yesterday, and a friend showed shortcuts! Rather than peeling off each label, we could take the whole sheet, stick the edge of the label on the edge of a table, and then quickly take off each label and paste it on the postcard. At the same time, pasting the label using both hands and positioning it just above the line that separated the content area from the address area on the backside of the postcard would give the best alignment.

This was a simple task, but because we could break it down into smaller tasks, find out the best way to do each task, and work as a team, we could do the job much faster. Attention to individual items and thinking about small details gave us the edge. As they say, devil lies in the details.

I am surprised to see that so many people don’t really pay attention to details. Even on important tasks. It just doesn’t occur to them! Do you pay attention to small things in your tasks?

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  1. All the time. In advertising a big idea can fail if not executed perfect to the T. In fact I believe a great idea is not worth anything unless it has been executed perfectly just as it’s in the mind of the visualizer.

    But yes, sometimes the detailing irritates people around and you should know when to let go the details for the bigger picture out there.

  2. Hi Nirav,

    I cudnt find an email id or contact us page on your site so I am putting this as a comment !

    Was going thru your blog but when I moved to the gallery section, I figured out that the gallery could be accessed but there were a few problems..

    1. The album images were not being displayed.
    2. When clicking on the album title to see the images inside the album, I got a 404 error, possibly due to some prob in the .htaccess file having wordpress rewrite rules.

    I guess installing wordpress in the root of the site creates such issues when we create a folder in root which is actually not a wordpress page or post but the rewrite rules expect it to be that way, throwing up a 404 error.

    Attention to detail at work. 😉

    nice blog !

  3. Hi Ankur,

    Yes, you are right. There is a problem with WP and Gallery integration and the .htaccess file creates problems.

    Have known this issue for a while, tried to fix it too. But there are some conditions under which it still breaks!

    This surely is attention to detail! Thanks for the report!


  4. Hi Nirav,

    I was Googling the term ‘attention to detail’, as I am REALLY interested to inculcate this habit in me, and hit upon ur blog. Well, frankly speaking I cudnt really decipher the true meaning of the process you have described above (label sticking). I wished you cud have been a bit more detalied.

    Moreso, can you refer to me some websites/pages, blogs, links etc etc .where I can research a bit more on the topic …
