in Technology

Apple Remote and OpenOffice Impress

I was arranging my drawer yesterday and found the Apple Remote. It came with the MacBook and was lying unused because I don’t really use FrontRow. Then I had a presentation this morning and a bulb lit up. Can I not use the remote with OpenOffice for presentations?

So the first thing I did after coming to office today was to Google for it. I found some good software. Downloaded mira and tried it out. It did not seem to work with OpenOffice. Tried RemoteBuddy and that also did not seem to work. Then I was thinking may be I will have to build on top of Amit Singh’s iremoted and make something up. Just then I found iRed Lite. I noticed an action for OpenOffice Impress in the folder and was excited! And it worked! I had to fiddle around a little bit, the software looks buggy (did not save the actions I defined etc) but it worked. I am going to look deeper into it. I hope source code was available. I also think OpenOffice itself is part of the problem – since it works on top of X11. Hope there is a native build soon.

So for anybody who wants to use Apple Remote with OpenOffice Impress, head on to iRed Lite! For others, mira and Remote Buddy are just right!

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  1. someone can explain how i can configure iRed Lite to use it with openoffice impress.
    this can interest me.


    you can send me a mail

  2. You can create a new layer and drag and drop actions on the buttons for the remote. Please download the latest version of iRedLite and read the manual for creating a new layer. The OpenOffice Impress set of actions is available in the “More Actions” folder and you can import it easily.

  3. Hey,
    can somebody give me an explanation for stupid people? You’re seem to be the only guys on the whole internet, who know how to work the remote with OpenOffice Impress, but I don’t get! What do I have to do? :/


  • Little hacks on a holiday at Entrepreneur Geek January 23, 2012

    […] the latest iRedLite with OpenOffice Impress. Added a layer of actions. I can now use my Apple Remote flawlessly while presenting through […]

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