in Technology

AirTalkr: AIR based instant messenger

AirTalkrAirTalkr is the new instant messenger on the block. And it’s not just an IM that connects to multiple networks, it can also connect to mySpace and a whole lot others. And what’s more interesting is that it’s built in Adobe Integrated Runtime!

From the site:

AirTalkr is a multi-protocol Instant Messenger that connects to MSN, Yahoo!, GTalk, AOL and ICQ. Not only that, it also has connects to to various Web 2.0 services like Flickr and YouTube. AirTalkr runs on Adobe AIR, so you will need the runtime to use it. As of now, AirTalkr can run on Windows and Mac.

BTW, this is done as an entry to the AIR Derby Adobe has organized!

Good times ahead!

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