in Journal

610 posts, 1775 comments – what next?

I’ve been very busy and that’s affected my blogging frequency! From August 2005 till today, I have written 610 posts. There are 1775 comments – most of which are contributed from readers like you.

What next?

What do you think?

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  1. Congrats on 610 posts!

    You seem to be too busy.. FOSS.IN less than a month away and their is no banner of FOSS.IN on your blog, which you seem to put up each year as soon as the event is announced.

    Btw, will you be at FOSS.IN this year?

  2. I’d recommend letting your camera blog for you till the writer’s block rolls itself away. Real life present some interesting, amusing and telling visuals that are not just food for thought, but also a reflection of one’s own thought processes.